Segregated Account Management

Personalized Account Portfolio based on risk tolerance

We offer individually-tailored investment portfolios for clients with $20,000.00 or more to invest. Segregated client accounts are invested directly in individual securities rather than in units of pooled funds. The advantages of segregated account management include enhanced flexibility, tax efficiency, and portability of assets.

A key advantage of segregated account management is the ability to customize client portfolios. Individual portfolios may be tailored to limit exposure to a particular sector or individual company.

While our primary goal is to achieve superior investment returns for our clients, a secondary objective is tax efficiency. Segregated account management allows clients to retain their own cost basis on individual securities, which means capital gains and losses may be realized as dictated by an individual investor’s unique circumstances.

The management fee structure for segregated accounts is based on a declining scale as follows:

Segregated Account Management Schedule

(1.) 55% on assets of $20,000.00; or eqv

(2.) 48% on assets between $20,500.00 and $60,000.00 or eqv; and,

(3.) 34% on assets greater than $60,000.00 or eqv.


In addition to the above-noted management fees, the client will incur a custody fee of approximately 0.92% of invested assets and 7.50% VAT on ROI (Return on Investment).

In line with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) directive on prohibition of dealing in Crypto Currencies and facilitating payments for Crypto Currencies Exchange, our platforms use does not support the buying and selling (Trading/or Exchange) of Crypto Currencies. Any account in violation of this directive will be closed.
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