FX Portfolio Management

Thank you for choosing IBR-Global Markets Ltd to manage your financial portfolio. Together, we’ve created this customized investment risk profile that outlines our recommendations for investment strategies and management of your account in accordance with our specific financial goals. Those objectives, which are outlined in this document, have been established in accordance with the profile information of IBR-Global Markets Ltd.

Segregated Account

We offer individually-tailored investment portfolios for clients with $20,000.00 or more to invest. Segregated client accounts are invested directly in individual securities rather than in units of pooled funds. The advantages of segregated account management include enhanced flexibility, tax efficiency, and portability of assets.

Introducing Brokers

As an Introducing Broker (IB), we act as financial intermediary or entity that introduces clients to a brokerage firm or another financial institution.

Social Trading

Social Trading is a process through which online traders rely on user generated financial data gathered from various web platforms as a primary information source for making trading decisions. This new and revolutionary way of analyzing financial data provides a ground to compare and copy trades, strategies and techniques.

Market Signals

At IBR-Global Markets Ltd, our research department will monitor the Forex market and send the signals in real time to a trader. You gain full control of your trades with predetermined profit and risk. Our customer support here works fine - we are available 24/5 and are relatively easy to get through to. We also offer to protect the user's account, so you can manage your risk and safeguard your profits with our system.

IBR Xchange

We offer an Intra-Bank (In house) Exchange and also serves as a local financial payment processor for our partner Brokers. As our registered client, you can simply request for any type of exchange. Our exchange process is fast, secure and easy.

In line with the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) directive on prohibition of dealing in Crypto Currencies and facilitating payments for Crypto Currencies Exchange, our platforms use does not support the buying and selling (Trading/or Exchange) of Crypto Currencies. Any account in violation of this directive will be closed.
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